Application process
The prospective visiting scholar must submit a standard application form to the head of the academic unit (department, program or research centre) which will host her/him. The head of that unit will evaluate the application, in consultation with the members of the appropriate collegial governance structure (ex. executive committee). If the proposed host unit agrees to host the visiting scholar, the head of that unit must write an endorsement letter, specifying any unit-level resources available (ex. shared office space, computer equipment) to support the visiting scholar.
The endorsement letter and application form should be forwarded to the Associate Principal, Research and Graduate Studies, with copy to the administrative assistant, Research Office.
Approval process
The application and endorsement letter will be evaluated by a college-level committee composed of:
- Associate Principal, Research and Graduate Studies
- Two YUFA faculty members
- One student representative
- One library representative
- The Academic Administrator Advisor (non-voting)
- The Administrative Assistant, Research Office (non-voting; recording secretary)
The committee can take decisions by email, as necessary and appropriate. Quorum is four people, with at least one YUFA faculty member required. The committee will forward its recommendation to the Principal, who will make the final Glendon decision on the file. The Principal will forward on visiting faculty members whose files he deems appropriate to the Provost’s office.
On-boarding process
For accepted visiting scholars, the Academic Administrator Advisor will be primarily responsible for administrative tasks related to visiting faculty, while the Administrative Assistant, Research Office will assist with administration for students, professionals and other non-faculty visitors. These include:
- Assisting, if required, with administrative support related to immigration processes, in collaboration with the York Immigration Liaison Officer. (Please note: Immigration formalities are the sole responsibility of the visiting scholar and no one at Glendon is qualified to provide immigration advice.)
- Preparing letters of invitation.
- Liaising with the relevant office at the Keele campus, as outlined here:
The head and administrative assistant of the academic host unit will be responsible for welcoming the visiting scholar and integrating them into the academic life of their host unit. Tasks include:
- Liaising with ITS for logon access to computing facilities.
- Liaising with York University Libraries for access to library resources.
- Facilitating access to shared office space.
- Informing the visiting scholar of collective, shared resources available to them.
- Inviting the visiting scholar to relevant unit events.
- Inviting the visiting scholar to give a guest lecture at a relevant event.