Translation and (De)colonization
Toronto, Canada, March 3, 2018
9th Annual Glendon Graduate Conference in Translation Studies:
Toronto, Canada, March 3, 2018
The students of the Master in Translation Studies at Glendon College, York University, are pleased to announce the 9th Annual Graduate Student Conference in Translation Studies to be held at Glendon College in Toronto on March 3, 2018.
Valerie Henitiuk is Provost and Professor of Comparative Literature at Concordia University of Edmonton. She served as Director of the British Centre for Literary Translation from 2007-13. Her books include the co-edited Spark of Light: Short Stories by Women Writers from Odisha (Athabasca University Press 2016); A Literature of Restitution: Critical Essays on W.G. Sebald (University of Manchester Press 2013); and Worlding Sei Shonagon: The Pillow Book in Translation (University of Ottawa Press 2012). She has contributed to such volumes as the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies and Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies (both forthcoming); A Companion to Translation Studies (2014), Creative Constraints (2012); Translating Women (2011); and Thinking through Translation with Metaphor (2010). Her work has also been published in such journals as Target, META, TTR,Translation Studies, Perspectives, and Comparative Literature Studies, and she served as Editor of the Routledge journal Translation Studies (2012-2017). Following a decade researching European translations of Classical Japanese women’s writing, Henitiuk is now working on the translation of Inuit literature, supported by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Translation and Reconciliation: (Post-)colonial practice in the translating, editing and publishing of Inuit literature
There are precious few Inuktitut literary voices available in translation, and what texts do exist tend to be presented in ways that are problematic, especially in the context of current debates around the appropriation of culture and the need for reconciliation. This paper will explore the issues through a discussion of early 20th-century authorities such as Knud Rasmussen, qallunaat authors such as Farley Mowatt who “speak for” Inuit, and the various translations of Mitiarjuk’s Sanaaq, Markoosie’s Harpoon of the Hunter, and Niviaq’s Homo Sapienne that are currently circulating worldwide. It will draw on recent theorizing about indirect or relay translation, especially in relation to languages of lesser diffusion, as well as themes such as agency, gatekeeping, and oral traditions. I argue that we need to consider all renditions of Inuit narrative and poetry, and indeed the very notion of translating Indigenous texts, from an approach that is far more rigorous, critically informed, and sensitive to the need for a decolonizing praxis
Glendon Graduate Student Conference in Translation Studies
Glendon College, York University (Toronto) – March 3 2018
Theme: Translation and (De)colonization
Keynote Speaker: Valerie Henitiuk, Concordia University of Edmonton
Translation has long played a key role in processes of colonization, often being used as a tool of the colonizer. However, as Indigenous peoples and settler allies have progressively worked toward dismantling oppressive institutions and divesting from colonial power, the function of translation has increasingly expanded to include practices that give voice to colonized and Indigenous peoples and move toward justice, reconciliation, and social solidarity. This year’s graduate conference aims to explore the complex, dynamic relationship between translation and decolonization.
We invite proposals for papers from a variety of fields and perspectives that engage with issues including, but not limited to:
Our one-day multilingual conference will address these and related topics. We welcome proposals for papers (20-minute presentations) and posters. Those interested are invited to submit an abstract of 250-300 words by January 10, 2018to or Submissions should include the title of the paper and the author’s name, affiliations, and contact information.
Colloque du Programme de Maîtrise en traductologie au Collège universitaire Glendon
Thème : Traduction et (dé)colonisation
Collège universitaire Glendon, Université York (Toronto) – 3 mars 2018
Conférencière invitée : Valerie Henitiuk, Concordia University of Edmonton
Les étudiants et étudiantes du programme de Maîtrise en traductologie du Collège universitaire
Glendon vous invitent au 9e colloque annuel en traductologie, qui se tiendra le 3 mars 2018,
au campus Glendon de l’Université York, à Toronto.
La traduction joue depuis longtemps un rôle central dans les processus de colonisation, souvent
au service du colonisateur. Or, les efforts déployés par les peuples autochtones et leurs alliés
visant à démanteler les institutions oppressives et à se soustraire aux pouvoirs coloniaux se
répercutent sur la traductologie : la traduction comprend désormais un large éventail de
pratiques qui donnent une voix aux peuples colonisés et autochtones et sont orientées vers la
justice, la réconciliation et la solidarité sociale. Ce colloque propose une exploration des
rapports complexes et dynamiques entre la traduction et la décolonisation.
Nous recherchons des propositions de communications de domaines d’études divers abordant
des thèmes tels que :
Les sujets ci-dessus et autres points connexes seront traités lors de cette journée qui se veut
multilingue et inclura des communications individuelles d’une durée maximale de 20 minutes.
Veuillez envoyer votre proposition de communication (250 à 300 mots) ou d’affiche d’ici le 1er décembre 2017 à ou Prière de fournir le titre de la communication, votre nom et vos coordonnées, ainsi que et le nom de votre programme d’étude et de votre université. Pour plus de renseignements, nous vous invitons à visiter le site Internet du colloque :
Congreso de Posgrado en Traductología de Glendon College, York University
Tema: Traducción y (des)colonización
Glendon College, York University (Toronto) – 3 de marzo de 2018
Conferencista invitada: Valerie Henitiuk, Universidad de Concordia en Edmonton
Los estudiantes de la maestría de traductología de Glendon College, York University, se complacen en anunciar el noveno congreso anual de traductología de estudiantes de posgrado, que se llevará a cabo el 3 de marzo de 2018 en Glendon College, Toronto, Canadá.
La traducción ha ocupado un papel central en procesos de colonización, especialmente como instrumento de fuerzas colonizadoras. Sin embargo, a medida que las personas y comunidades Indígenas y sus aliadas y aliados han ido logrando desarticular instituciones opresoras y desvincularse del poder colonial, la función de la traducción se ha extendido hacia prácticas que permiten dar voz a sujetos colonizados e Indígenas y están orientadas hacia la justicia, la reconciliación y la solidaridad social. Este año el congreso de posgrado de Glendon se propone explorar la relación, compleja y a la vez dinámica, entre la traducción y la descolonización.
Se aceptarán propuestas sobre trabajos de investigación realizados en el marco de diferentes campos de estudio y perspectivas que se relacionen con el tema principal y otros relacionados con el mismo, tales como:
Estos y otros aspectos se abordarán durante este evento multilingüe de un día de duración. Para las presentaciones, ya sean en modalidad de ponencia (de máximo 20 minutos) o de cartel, se deberá enviar un resumen de 250-300 palabras a la dirección electró o La fecha límite para recepción de resúmenes es el 1o de diciembre de 2017 y estos deberán enviarse junto con el título de la ponencia propuesta, la institución del estudiante y la información de contacto. Para mayor información, favor visitar el sitio de internet:
Time /Heure
8:30 a.m. – Registration / Inscription. Light breakfast / Petit-déjeuner léger (York Hall, Centre of Excellence – first floor)
9:30 a.m. – Opening remarks / Mot de bienvenue
Remarks from a representative of the student organizing committee
Prof. Dominique Scheffel-Dunand, Glendon’s Associate Principal Research and Graduate Studies
Prof. María Constanza Guzmán, Director of the Master in Translation Studies
Remarks from a representative of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada (LTAC / ATTLC)
(York Hall, Centre of Excellence – A100)
9:45 a.m. Keynote lecture / Conférence plénière: “Gently Smiling Jaws: (Post-)colonial practice in the translation, Editing and Publishing of Inuit
literature.” Valerie Henitiuk (York Hall, Centre of Excellence – A100)
10:45 a.m. Coffee break / Pause-café (York Hall, Centre of Excellence)
11:00 a.m. Concurrent sessions / Séances simultanées (1)
Translation, Power, and Authority
-Cindy Guo- Powerful Silence: Exploring the Untranslatable Violence of
Hyesoon Kim’s Animal World
-Oskar Arnorsson – Buber in Rhodesia. The Death of Hammarskjöld, the
Humanist Library, and the Failure of Translation
-Alina Zdrazhko – Translation as a Tool of Colonizer: Effects of Soviet
Colonial Policies on Ukrainian Translation Tradition
-Zhaoxing Xu – Reflection on the Introduction and Translation of The
Second Sex in China’s Mainland: A Comparative Study of Two Chinese
Translation Versions from the Perspective of “Epistemicide” Theory
Moderator: Tania Osca
(York Hall, Centre of Excellence, A302)
Concurrent sessions / Séances simultanées (2)
Translation, Resistance and Subversion
-Rodolfo Ortiz – Tupi or not tupi: that is the question.
Translations and cannibalisms in modernist tradition of
Brazil (presented in Spanish)
-Irina Filippova – Stories of Human Rights Violations Against
Ethnic Minorities: Translation of Legal Judgments as an
Avenue for the Dissemination of Alternative Narratives
-Arianne Des Rochers – Lessons from the Caribbean: Notes
Towards the Decolonization of Translation in Canada
-Kathryn Henderson – Telling the Tale of Decolonization:
Translational Figures and Heterolingualism in Leanne
Betasamosake Simpson’s Story “gezhizhwazh”
Moderator: Laura How
(York Hall, Centre of Excellence, A100)
1:00 p.m. Déjeuner / Lunch (York Hall, Centre of Excellence, second floor)
2:00 p.m. Special session / Session spéciale (York Hall, Centre of Excellence, A302)
Alicia Cisneros – Mazahua Stories.
2:30 p.m. Concurrent sessions / Séances simultanées (3)
Translation and Social Change
– Hadj Mahammad Smail and Rostom Chekhar – The Role of Literary
Translation in Preserving the Cultural Identity: a Case Study of the
Algerian Novel «Le fils du pauvre» by Mouloud Feraoun
-Qifei Kao and Soohyun Kim – Comfort Women: In Search of a Right
-Aaron Mnguni – Dreams and Realities for South Africa: Use of Official
Languages Act, 2012 and Language Practitioners Council Act, 2014
-Desmond O’Doherty – An Analysis of the Development of Tongzhi
Identity in (Post-) Colonial Hong Kong
Moderator: Evan Belford
(York Hall, Centre of Excellence A302)
Concurrent sessions / Séances simultanées (4)
Literary Translation in Post-colonial Contexts
-Remy Attig – Translating a Wild Tongue: Translation and
Non-Translation as a Tool for Increasing Prestige of a
Minoritized Language
-Youn Soo Kim – Translation in a Decolonial Effort: Post1945 Korean Literature in English
-Melissa Major – Traduction littéraire : éviter
l’ethnocentrisme (presented in French)
-Hamza Muhammad Iqbal – Translating The Stranger: The
Legacy of Decolonization in The Mersault Investigation
Moderator: Alina Zdrazhko
(York Hall, Centre of Excellence, A100)
4:30 p.m. Coffee break / Pause-café (York Hall, Centre of Excellence, second floor)
4:45 p.m.
Roundtable / Table ronde: Translating Stories for our Times.
Participants: Valerie Henitiuk, María Constanza Guzmán, Lida Nosrati, Elena Basile, Ian Martin.
Moderator and discussant: Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar.
(York Hall, Centre of Excellence – A100)
6:00 p.m. Presentation – guest poet / Présentation – poète invitée: Tasha Beeds (York Hall – Skyroom (A300, third floor)
6:30 p.m. Closing reception / Réception de clôture (York Hall – Skyroom (A300, third floor)
Tasha Beeds is of nêhiyaw (Cree), Scottish, and Barbadian ancestry. She grew up with her mother’s family in the nehiyâw territories of mistawâsis, atâhk-akohp and the Métis territory of nêwo-nâkiwin in Saskatchewan. Tasha co-wrote a piece for Drew Hayden Taylor’s Me Funny and has poetry published in various places including Mixed Race Women Speak Out, From Turtle Island to Abya Yala. and in theCanadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing in addition to multiple articles published in university press anthologies and journals. Tasha was also a production assistant for the NFB award winning documentary Finding Dawn, which looked at the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women. She is both a Ph.D. candidate and a Professor in Indigenous Studies. As a 2nd degree Midewiwin Initiate and a Water Walker, Tasha is dedicated to moving in Ceremony for the Waters and the Earth and for the continual resurgence and revitalization of Indigenous thought, knowledges, and sovereignty.