Rates for Brain Boosting Workshops & Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Training


[SHSM Training]

In person, at your school

$400 $500


At the Glendon campus


Free with reservation of a
guided tour of the campus


Free with reservation of a
guided tour of the campus



$175 $200



The objective of this workshop is to learn how to capture and identify insects and arthropods in the field.  Insects are the most diverse and abundance group of animals on earth.  For every human being on earth, there are approximately 200 million insects!  Given such great diversity, insects have numerous ecological roles.  Some are important pollinators, other serve as food for birds and other animals, while other species are important predators of insects that humans consider harmful. During this workshop participants will learn about the great diversity of insects and be exposed to insect collection techniques and identification skills using a dichotomous key. They will also learn to take detailed field notes.

Please note

This workshop was conceived to be delivered in person, preferably in the spring-summer-fall months, before the ground is frozen.

This workshop will require a 20-minute, in-class activity to be led by the teacher and be completed before the facilitator-led portion of the workshop. Certain materials for this workshop will be provided by Glendon Continuing Education and sent to the school prior to the start of the workshop.

    Curriculum Links: 

    Grade 10: 

    • Science (SNC2D/SNC2P) 

    Grade 11: 

    • Biology (SBI3U/SBI3C) 
    • Environmental Science (SVN3M/SVN3E) 

    Grade 12: 

    • Biology (SBI4U) 
    • Science (SNC4M/SNC4E) 

      The goal of the workshop is to teach participants techniques and skills that will enable them to identify urban birds by appearance and song. Participants will learn general observation skills in biology and specific skills in ornithology (the study of birds) that will enable them to identify birds using birding apps and by their physical characteristics (e.g., feathering) and song. They will also learn how to create their own birding logbook.

      Curriculum Links: 

      Grade 10: 

      • Science (SNC2D/SNC2P) 

      Grade 11: 

      • Biology (SBI3U/SBI3C) 
      • Environmental Science (SVN3M/SVN3E) 

      Grade 12: 

      • Biology (SBI4U) 
      • Science (SNC4M/SNC4E) 

        Career Development

        This workshop is designed to help participants develop their transferable skills and market them to a potential employer. Through interactive activities, participants will leave with a better understanding of how to stand out, interview for a job, and apply their skills in their everyday life. They will also become aware of how to develop their skills, whether it be in school, at work, or in their personal lives.

        Curriculum Links: 

        Grade 10: 

        • Career Studies (GLC2O) 

        Grade 11: 

        • Designing Your Future (GWL3O) 
        • Leadership and Peer Support (GPP30)  
        • Interdisciplinary Studies (IDC30) 

          Grade 12: 

          • Advanced Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Secondary School (GLS4O/GLE4O/GLE3O)   
          • Navigating the Workplace (GLN40) 
          • Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals (BOH4M) 
          • Business Leadership: Becoming a Manager (BOG4E) 
          • Interdisciplinary Studies (IDC4U) 

              Leadership Skills (75 minutes)
              Leadership is undeniably one of the most sought-after skills in the job market, in virtually every career field. But what exactly is leadership? What are the skills that contribute to leadership and how can they be developed? These are questions that will be addressed in this workshop, which will be of use to participants throughout their lives.

              Curriculum Links: 

              Grade 10: 

              • Career Studies (GLC2O) 

              Grade 11: 

              • Designing Your Future (GWL3O) 
              • Leadership and Peer Support (GPP30)  
              • Interdisciplinary Studies (IDC30) 

                Grade 12: 

                • Advanced Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Secondary School (GLS4O/GLE4O/GLE3O)   
                • Navigating the Workplace (GLN40) 
                • Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals (BOH4M) 
                • Business Leadership: Becoming a Manager (BOG4E) 
                • Interdisciplinary Studies (IDC4U) 


                    This interactive workshop is designed to familiarize participants with surveillance capitalism, privacy, and online data collection, as well as alternative resources, tools, and apps that will make their online experience safer. Specifically, students will review the settings of their social media profiles and explore the information that is collected about them. They will leave the workshop with a detailed guide that includes a list of activists, organizations, books, and other resources that will allow them to explore the topic further.

                    Curriculum Links:

                    Grade 9:

                    • Information and Communication Technology in Business (BTT1O)

                    Grade 10:

                    • Information and Communication Technology in Business (BTT2O)
                    • Communications Technology (TGJ2O)

                    Grade 11:

                    • Communications Techology: Broadcast and Print Production (TGJ3O)
                    • Information and Communication Technology: The Digital Environment (BTA3O)

                    Grade 12:

                    • Communications Techology (TGJ4M)
                    • Information and Communication Technology: Multimedia Solutions (BTX4C)

                        Creative Writing

                        The object of this interactive workshop is to help students familiarize themselves with the creative process, identify the essential elements of a good story, and to pitch an idea effectively. More specifically, participants will learn what a “logline” is and how to construct one using two different formulas. Finally, participants will be introduced to a grant specifically intended to provide funding for artists from official language minorities.

                        Curriculum Links:

                        Grade 10:

                        • English (ENG2D/ENG2P)

                        Grade 11:

                        • English (ENG3U/ENG3C)

                        Grade 12:

                        • English (ENG4U/ENG4C)
                        • The Writer’s Craft (EWC4U/EWC4C)


                            The purpose of this workshop is to teach participants in grades 9 to 12 the fundamentals/basics of theatre concepts and techniques studied at the university level. Throughout the workshop, participants will explore and expand on new theatrical concepts such as object work, character development, and improvisation. Through discussion and guided exercises, they are challenged creatively and cognitively, individually and in groups.

                            Curriculum Links: 

                            Grade 10: 

                            • Drama (ADA2O) 

                            Grade 11: 

                            • Drama (ADA3M)  

                            Grade 12:  

                            • Drama (ADA4M/ADA4E) 

                                The goal of this workshop is to introduce students to certain aspects of technical theatre – and, to the different types of stages and why certain stages work better for certain performances. Moreover, the workshop will examine theatrical lighting and audio design. The workshop will attempt to answer the question: “What is a stage?” and will challenge participants to choose an unconventional space to stage a particular show and to justify their choice.

                                Curriculum Links: 

                                Grade 10: 

                                • Drama (ADA2O) 

                                Grade 11: 

                                • Drama (ADA3M)  

                                Grade 12:  

                                • Drama (ADA4M/ADA4E) 

                                    Environment and Communications

                                    The goal of this interactive workshop is to help participants develop the media literacy skills necessary to critically analyze and evaluate information from the various media sources they consume. In the context of this workshop, students will examine how climate change is portrayed in the media and identify criteria to differentiate between credible and non-credible sources of information.

                                    Curriculum Links: 

                                    Grade 9: 

                                    • English (ENG1D / ENG1P) 

                                    Grade 10: 

                                    • Science (SNC2D/SNC2P) 
                                    • English (ENG2D/ENG2P) 

                                    Grade 11:  

                                    • English (ENG3U/ENG3C) 

                                    Grade 12:  

                                    • English (ENG4U/ENG4C) 

                                        This interactive workshop is designed to introduce students in grades 9 to 12 to the social and environmental impacts of "fast fashion" and how advertisers use greenwashing to hide these consequences. Participants will discover that by making a few simple lifestyle changes, they can become less wasteful, more ethically aware, and more knowledgeable consumers of fashion. They will also discover how to refresh their wardrobe without generating more waste.

                                        Curriculum Links: 

                                        Grade 9: 

                                        • English (ENG1D / ENG1P) 

                                        Grade 10: 

                                        • English (ENG2D/ENG2P) 
                                        • Clothing (HNL20) 

                                        Grade 11:  

                                        • English (ENG3U/ENG3C) 
                                        • Understanding Fashion (HNC3C) 

                                        Grade 12:  

                                        • English (ENG4U/ENG4C) 
                                        • The World of Fashion (HNB4M) 

                                            Financial Literacy

                                            The rise of financial technology has resulted in an unprecedented supply of readily available investment vehicles. While investments can be an important part of a long-term financial plan for investors, they carry both risks and rewards. Although it's easier than ever to get started in investing, most people know relatively little about the fundamentals of investing. The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with a basic understanding of investing and to equip them with the tools and information necessary to assess the inherent risks of various financial instruments. Through a series of engaging interactive activities, participants will gain a basic understanding of investing, how interest rates work, the risks associated with investing, and the importance of knowing one's risk tolerance.

                                            Curriculum Links:

                                            Grade 9:

                                            • Introduction to Business (BBI1O)

                                            Grade 10:   

                                            • Introduction to Business (BBI20)

                                            Grade 11: 

                                            • The Individual and the Economy (CIE3M)

                                            Grade 12: 

                                            • Making Personal Economic Choices (CIC4E)

                                                The objective of this workshop is to teach participants how to develop a financial plan for their post-secondary education. In this interactive, engaging, and motivating workshop, participants will gain a better understanding of the key components of financial planning for their education, including identifying possible sources of funding and the importance of saving money. In this workshop, participants will apply their math and research skills to a real-life situation.

                                                Curriculum Links: 

                                                Grade 9: 

                                                • Introduction to Business (BBI1O) 

                                                Grade 10:    

                                                • Career Studies (GLC2O)  
                                                • Introduction to Business (BBI2O)  

                                                Grade 11:  

                                                • The Individual and the Economy (CIE3M)  

                                                Grade 12:  

                                                •  Making Personal Economic Choices (CIC4E)  

                                                    The goal of the workshop is to familiarize participants with the complex OSAP system, and to help them discover how this important financial assistance program can be used to fund their post-secondary education.

                                                    Curriculum Links: 

                                                    Grade 9: 

                                                    • Introduction to Business (BBI1O) 

                                                    Grade 10:    

                                                    • Career Studies (GLC2O)  
                                                    • Introduction to Business (BBI2O)  

                                                    Grade 11:  

                                                    • The Individual and the Economy (CIE3M)  

                                                    Grade 12:  

                                                    •  Making Personal Economic Choices (CIC4E)  

                                                        The goal of this workshop is to teach participants basic budgeting and financial management principles in an interactive, engaging, and motivating workshop. By gaining an understanding of the key elements of reading and negotiating cellphone contracts, as well as the need to budget for unexpected expenses, participants will have the opportunity to apply basic math skills to a "real life" scenario. This hands-on workshop will give participants a greater appreciation for the importance of financial literacy.

                                                        Curriculum links: 

                                                        Grade 9: 

                                                        • Introduction to Business (BBIO)  

                                                         Grade 10: 

                                                        • Career Studies (GLC2O)  
                                                        • Introduction to Business (BBI2O) 

                                                        Grade 11: 

                                                        • The Individual and the Economy (CIE3M) 

                                                        Grade 12: 

                                                        • Making Personal Economic Choices (CIC4E) 

                                                            The objective of this workshop is to teach participants how to create a financial plan for an adventure  after high school. In this interactive,  engaging,  and relatable workshop, participants will gain an understanding of the key aspects of how to plan for travel by discovering how to budget,  identifying funding sources,  and the importance of saving. In this workshop,  participants will apply their math and research skills to a ‘real-life’ situation.

                                                            Curriculum Links: 

                                                            Grade 9: 

                                                            • Introduction to Business (BBI1O) 

                                                            Grade 10:    

                                                            • Career Studies (GLC2O)  
                                                            • Introduction to Business (BBI2O)  

                                                            Grade 11:  

                                                            • The Individual and the Economy (CIE3M)  

                                                            Grade 12:  

                                                            •  Making Personal Economic Choices (CIC4E)  


                                                                This workshop was created to deconstruct some of the perceived difficulties that students and teachers have with mathematics. The main objective of this workshop is to demystify mathematics by examining a well-known concept: the Pythagorean theorem. A variety of activities are developed to achieve this goal. These activities will encourage participants to better understand this concept and learn more about mathematics. By better understanding the key elements of the Pythagorean theorem, they will have the opportunity to feel more comfortable with learning mathematics, a subject that manages to strike fear in many!

                                                                Curriculum Links: 

                                                                Grade 9:  

                                                                • Mathematics (MTH1W)  

                                                                Grade 10: 

                                                                • Principles of Mathematics (MPM2D) 
                                                                • Foundations of Mathematics (MFM2P) 

                                                                    The workshop is based on the principle of the escape room game: participants must solve a series of problems to move from one room to another and “escape”. They will work in groups in order to complete the game. This workshop is intended for grade 11 students studying mathematics. It is a fun way to test what they have learned in their math classes, with an emphasis on trigonometry. Participants will review appropriate techniques for solving problems involving triangles with different angles and side lengths. They will become more familiar with:

                                                                    • particular triangles
                                                                    • trigonometric ratios
                                                                    • the mnemonic SOH-CAH-TOA
                                                                    • the laws of sine and cosine

                                                                    Curriculum links:

                                                                    Grade 11:

                                                                    • Functions (MCR3U)
                                                                    • Functions and Applications (MCF3M)

                                                                      Taking the form of a virtual escape room, this workshop is designed for Grade 10 mathematics students and provides a hands-on review of units on factoring and quadratic relations, with a special emphasis on graphs. Working in this virtual escape room, students will progress through a variety of activities designed to test their knowledge. While working in teams, students will apply their knowledge and practice their problem-solving and mathematical reasoning skills.

                                                                      Please note that this workshop is available in two separate versions, for academic and applied streams.


                                                                      Students must have completed the quadratics unit prior to this workshop. 

                                                                      Curriculum Links:  

                                                                      Grade 10: 


                                                                      • Principles of mathematics (MPM2D) 


                                                                      • Foundations of Mathematics (MFM2P)

                                                                        This workshop takes the form of an escape room, meaning that participants will have to solve a sequence of problems to get from one room to the next before they can "escape". They will have to work in groups to succeed.

                                                                        This workshop is designed for grade 9 students who are currently enrolled in a math course. It is a fun way for students to engage with the subject of math. This workshop focuses on the unit of linear relationships and gives students the opportunity to apply their knowledge in the context of a game. Throughout this activity, students will be asked to develop and solve linear equations, as well as identify and solve unknown variables.

                                                                        Curriculum links:

                                                                        Grade 9:

                                                                        • Mathematics (MTH1W)

                                                                          Multidisciplinary Studies

                                                                          In this workshop, which is comprised of a series of 3 modules that are offered together, participants will learn to use art as a tool for social change. This workshop provides a practical introduction to using the arts, particularly music, as a social change vector for civil rights movements. Participants will develop critical thinking, will discover and analyze the role of music in the emancipation and affirmation of Black American communities in the struggle for civil rights in the United States, from the 60s to the current “Black Lives Matter” movement. After exploring various examples of the use of music to engage and after analyzing the composition and lyrics of an emblematic song of the civil rights movement in detail, participants will write their own song and create a visual representation to defend social justice, support a cause they hold dear to their heart and become agents for social change.

                                                                          • Exploring the Role of Music in the Civil Rights Movement (90 minutes)
                                                                          • How to Write an Inspired Song (90 minutes)
                                                                          • Development of an Engaged Musical Infographic (90 minutes)

                                                                                Curriculum Links: 

                                                                                Grade 10: 

                                                                                • Music (AMU2O) 

                                                                                Grade 11: 

                                                                                • Music (AMU3M) 
                                                                                • Equity, Diversity and Social Justice (HSE3E) 
                                                                                • Exploring and Creating in the Arts (AEA3O) 

                                                                                Grade 12: 

                                                                                • Equity and Social Justice: From Theory to Practice (HSE4M) 
                                                                                • Exploring and Creating in the Arts (AEA4O) 

                                                                                    Project Management

                                                                                    The objective of the workshop is to teach participants how to apply project management skills to any project in their personal, academic, and professional lives. Through this interactive workshop, participants will learn about essential aspects of project management, including the major phases in the life of any project, from initiation to completion. Participants will also learn how to work effectively in a group setting to maximize the desired results and participants will also learn how to work effectively in a group to maximize the desired results and will reflect on the importance of proactive organization. Because fun is good, but organized fun is even better!

                                                                                    Curriculum Links: 

                                                                                    Grade 10: 

                                                                                    • Career Studies (GLC2O) 

                                                                                    Grade 12:    

                                                                                    • Information and Communication Technology: Multimedia Solutions (BTX4C)  
                                                                                    • Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals (BOH4M)  


                                                                                        This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the concept of mindfulness, as well as provide them with a variety of related techniques. They will first examine what mindfulness is, its origins, and how it is applied in the context of modern Western psychology. Next, they will learn three different mindfulness techniques that they can use in their daily lives. Finally, there will be a group discussion about the experiences they had during the techniques, and the group will talk about the potential applications these practices could have.

                                                                                        Curriculum Links:

                                                                                        Grade 9:

                                                                                        • Healthy Active Living Education (PPL10)

                                                                                        Grade 10:

                                                                                        • Healthy Active Living Education (PPL20)

                                                                                        Grade 11:

                                                                                        • Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology (HSP3U/HSP3C)
                                                                                        • Healthy Active Living Education (PPL30)

                                                                                        Grade 12:

                                                                                        • Healthy Active Living Education (PPL40)

                                                                                            The field of psychology plays an important role in multiple social areas. In addition to working in the mental health field, psychological researchers and practitioners contribute to fields as diverse as education, organizational development, and marketing, among others. However, despite its broad scope, there are still many misconceptions about psychology and a general lack of knowledge about the role it plays beyond the mental health field. This workshop addresses some of these misconceptions and seeks to clarify what it means to study and work in the field of psychology. Participants will take a hands-on look at how scientific research is conducted and, at the same time, explore possible career opportunities after completing a post-secondary education in psychology.

                                                                                            Curriculum Links:

                                                                                            Grade 9:

                                                                                            • Science (SNC1D/SNC1P)

                                                                                            Grade 10:

                                                                                            • Science (SNC2D/SNC2P)

                                                                                            Grade 11:

                                                                                            • Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology (HSP3U/HSP3C)
                                                                                            • Biology (SBI3U/SBI3C)

                                                                                                The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to the research methods used in psychology, while teaching them the cognitive benefits of bilingualism in a fun and interactive way. Participants will conduct a classic psychological experiment, the Stroop test, and learn how to formulate and test a hypothesis using the scientific method.

                                                                                                Curriculum Links: 

                                                                                                Grade 9: 

                                                                                                • Science (SNC1D/SNC1P) 

                                                                                                Grade 10: 

                                                                                                • Science (SNC2D/SNC2P) 

                                                                                                Grade 11: 

                                                                                                • Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology (HSP3U/HSP3C) 
                                                                                                • Biology (SBI3U/SBI3C) 
                                                                                                • Chemistry (SCH3U) 
                                                                                                • Environmental Science (SVN3M/SVN3E) 

                                                                                                Grade 12: 

                                                                                                • Science (SNC4M/SNC4E) 
                                                                                                • Biology (SBI4U) 
                                                                                                • Chemistry (SCH4U/ SCH4C)


                                                                                                    This interactive workshop allows participants to think critically about their role in society at the personal, professional, and social levels. They will be encouraged to reflect on the roles they play in these different contexts in order to better understand the impact of broader social structures on their daily lives. Participants will leave with a basic understanding of Erving Goffman's dramaturgical approach, which argues that individuals are "actors" constantly playing "roles" in order to function in the settings and environments they occupy.

                                                                                                    Curriculum Links: 

                                                                                                    Grade 11: 

                                                                                                    • Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology (HSP3U/HSP3C) 
                                                                                                    • Equity, Diversity and Social Justice (HSE3E) 

                                                                                                    Grade 12: 

                                                                                                    • Equity, Diversity and Social Justice (HSE4M)  


                                                                                                        Translation is fundamentally about bringing different cultural spheres into contact with each other through language. Every day we consume translated movies and books, use software and play video games that were released in dozens of languages at once, and engage with international news and multilingual political structures—the work of translators is all around us. But what exactly does the work of a translator look like? In this workshop, we will build from the ways translation touches our lives toward a picture of what it means to work as a translator today. Participants will be introduced to some common computer-assisted translation tools and practice their newly acquired translation skills.

                                                                                                        Curriculum Links: 

                                                                                                        Grade 9: 

                                                                                                        • Français (FRA1P/FRA1D) 
                                                                                                        • English (ENG1D / ENG1P) 

                                                                                                        Grade 10:

                                                                                                        • Français (FRA2P/FRA2D) 
                                                                                                        • Career Studies (GLC2O)  
                                                                                                        • English (ENG2D/ENG2P) 

                                                                                                           Grade 11: 

                                                                                                          • Français (FRA3P/FRA3D) 
                                                                                                          • English (ENG3U/ENG3C) 

                                                                                                          Grade 12: 

                                                                                                          • Français (FRA4P/FRA4D) 
                                                                                                          • English (ENG4U/ENG4C) 

                                                                                                          United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

                                                                                                          The focus of this workshop is sustainability, and specifically, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). Sustainability is important to the quality of our lives, the health of our planet and its resources, and creating a prosperous future. Participants will learn how to integrate and promote the SDGs in their personal lives and how to be a sustainability activist in local and global communities. During the workshop, participants will reflect on what the meaning and value of sustainability are, how the SDGs impact us, and how they themselves can take action. Through a collaborative approach, the workshop emphasises teamwork each step of the way, since the UN SDGs can only be achieved through collective action in all three sustainability spheres.

                                                                                                          Curriculum Links: 

                                                                                                          Grade 11:

                                                                                                          • Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice (HSE3E) 
                                                                                                          • Politics in Action: Making Change (CPC3O) 
                                                                                                          • Interdisciplinary Studies (IDC3O/IDP3O) 

                                                                                                          Grade 12:

                                                                                                          • World Issues: A Geographic Analysis (CGW4C) 
                                                                                                          • Living in a Sustainable World (CGR4E) 
                                                                                                          • Interdisciplinary Studies (IDC4U/IDP4U/IDC4O/IDP4O) 

                                                                                                              Urban Geography

                                                                                                              The objective of this workshop is to teach participants about the urban geography of Toronto and the various impacts new technologies have on the shape of work, more specifically gig/platform work. The focus of this interactive workshop will be looking at how the gig economy affects housing and transportation in our cities. The goal of this interactive workshop is to understand the socio-economic impacts of new technologies on workers and the shape of work in the city.

                                                                                                              Curriculum Links: 

                                                                                                              Grade 11: 

                                                                                                              • The Individual and the Economy (CIE3M)  

                                                                                                              Grade 12: 

                                                                                                              • Making Personal Economic Choices (CIC4E)