This agreement applies to the French and English as Second Language Explore/Immersion Programs offered at Glendon Campus, York University for those aged 19+. The purpose of the Agreement is to ensure a safe and inclusive environment, and a pleasant experience for all participants. We ask for your help in the creation of said environment by agreeing to the conditions outlined below.
Program Conditions
Any one of the following will constitute sufficient cause for dismissal from the program:
- Refusal to engage in the target language is unacceptable and is subject to dismissal from the program. The target language is to be consistently used throughout the duration of the program.
- Once a participant has had three language warnings and has engaged in discussions regarding use of their target language with the Head/Assistant-Head Monitor, Program Coordinator and/or Program Director, they may be subject to dismissal from the program.
- Attendance at classes, workshops, seminars, and mandatory socio-cultural activities is mandatory. Failure to attend mandatory sessions without valid permission from the Program Coordinator and/or Program Director is deemed unacceptable.
- A Certificate of Program Completion will not be conferred upon participants who are absent from more than three mandatory program activities, including classes, seminars, workshops, or other compulsory events, without explicit permission or a substantiated justification. Instances of extenuating circumstances will be individually assessed by the Program Coordinator and/or Program Director.
- Any conduct characterized by disrespect, irresponsibility, disruption, lack of cooperation, or harassment towards any individual is strictly prohibited.
- Acts of harassment, bullying (including cyberbullying), dissemination of gossip, use of inappropriate language, or engagement in slander, whether overtly or covertly, are deemed unacceptable. This encompasses inappropriate written communications via social media platforms, text messages, email, as well as postings in public areas of the campus such as classroom whiteboards or blackboards, public bulletin boards, washrooms, common spaces in campus facilities or residence halls, among others. Instances of sexual harassment will be addressed in accordance with York University’s Policy on Sexual Violence, accessible via this link.
- A strict zero-tolerance policy regarding all forms of violence, inclusive of verbal, physical, and sexual violence, shall be enforced. Participants found to engage in violent behaviour will be promptly expelled from the program.
- The possession and/or consumption of illegal drugs, non-prescription narcotics, and/or prescription medication for purposes other than those prescribed are strictly prohibited.
- It is prohibited for individuals under the age of 19 to possess or consume alcohol, as well as to supply alcohol to any person below the age of 19.
- Possession of open alcohol containers and/or alcohol contained in breakable containers in public areas within the campus and its residential facilities, including stairwells, hallways, washrooms, and elevators, is strictly prohibited.
- Bringing guests (defined as individuals not enrolled in the program) into the Glendon residences is prohibited.
- Upholding academic integrity stands as a cornerstone to the values upheld by both York University and Glendon Explore/Immersion. For detailed guidelines, please refer to York University’s Policy on Academic Integrity and the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty.
- Throughout assessments, projects, in-class activities, presentations, and homework assignments, participants are expected to demonstrate honesty and responsibility in their academic endeavours, adhering strictly to York University’s policies on academic integrity and academic honesty. Any involvement in academic misconduct may result in immediate dismissal from the program. This encompasses excessive reliance on or misuse of translation tools (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.), as well as the utilization of artificial intelligence tools (ChatGPT, Natural Language Processing Tools, etc.) for the generation of assignments or presentations, among other infractions.
- Plagiarism is unequivocally prohibited and will warrant dismissal from the program.
- Inflicting damage upon property or engaging in acts of vandalism against the Glendon York University premises, inclusive of public areas on campus, vegetation, residential facilities, and communal spaces, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition extends to the damaging or vandalizing of personal belongings or possessions of others throughout the program duration.
- The security deposit paid by a participant upon registration may be retained should instances of property vandalism or other damage be identified throughout the duration of the program.
Note: If dismissed from the program, participants must leave the campus immediately, within 24 hours, and return home at their own expense.