O`Neil, Allison (2021). “Getting Canadians to care”: News Media Coverage of the 2016 CHRT Decision on Indigenous Child Welfare.
Supervisor: Dr. Elaine Coburn
Renteria, Cristian (2021). The involvement of Indigenous and Afro-Colombian Women in the Colombian Peace Treaty Process.
Supervisor: Dr. Clara Chapdelaine-Feliciati
Tshibamba Kahongo, Benjamin (2021). Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) and reparation process for women victims of sexual violence in South Kivu, DR Congo
Supervisor: Dr. Clara Chapdelaine-Feliciati
Sullivan, Charlotte (2020). State Death or the Death of Statism? On Climate Change, Sovereignty, and Deterritorialized Statehood.
Supervisor: Dr. Ellen Gutterman
Awwad, Mona (2020). The Failure of Diplomatic Mediations in the Syrian Conflict. A Comparative Analysis.
Supervisor: Dr. Miloud Chennoufi
Sharma, Kirti (2019). Mapping the “Healthy Immigrant Effect”.
Supervisor: Shirin Shahrokni
Therrien, Miguel (2019). Critically Analysing Gender Mainstreaming: Equality Through Gender-Based Public Policies.
Supervisor: Jean-Michel Montsion
Wallace, Justine (2019). “We’re Not All Nice”: Exploring Ideological Constructions of Canada and “Canadianness” from the Perspectives of Black Women of the Second Generation.
Supervisor: Elaine Coburn
Woodmass, Kyler (2019). Women and visible minorities in Canada’s House of Commons: A discussion of data narratives and representational justice.
Supervisor: Nicolas Guillaume-Martineau
Bigand-Mussel, Claire. (2018). Integrating Indigenous Know-How Into Scientific Knowledge: The Case of Arctic Climate Change.
Supervisor: Marie Lavoie
Ebrahim, Christine. (2018). The Failure of Diplomacy in Syria Since 2011.
Supervisor: Miloud Chennoufi
Hudon, Michelle. (2018). Strategic Management in the Public Sector – A Glance at Canada’s Approach to Performance Management in the Health Care Sector.
Supervisor: Francis Garon
Mackie, Claire. (2018). Gender, Indigeneity and Trade – The Gendered Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Mexico.
Supervisor: Jacinthe Michaud
Nefs, Joanna. (2018). Leaving Some Behind: The Exclusion of Persons with Mental and Intellectual Disabilities in the Context of Modern Disability Advocacy.
Supervisor: Jacinthe Michaud
Zarbalieva, Simona. (2018). The Social Economy – Two Provinces, Two Approaches.
Supervisor: Francis Garon
Blakely-Dejy, Laura. (2017). Living with Precarious Legal Status in the City of Toronto
Supervisor: Francis Garon
Curran, Megan. (2017). Balancing Act: A Canadian Federal Access to Information Law For Today
Supervisor: Francis Garon
Felian, Melissa. (2017). Defining and Evaluating a Progressive Trade Agenda in Canada and The United States
Supervisor: Francis Garon
Mysak, Katie. (2017). The Case for Federal Indigenous Language Legislation in Canada
Supervisor: Ian Martin
Boehm, Shelby. (2016). The Genesis of the Islamic State: How recent events in the Middle East triggered the increasing presence of radicalization
Supervisor : Miloud Chennoufi
Harlley, Louise. (2016). Rwanda: Assessing Innovation in the Agricultural Sector
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Harrison, Teshini. (2016). Beyond The Bacchanal: Finding Value in Toronto’s Caribbean Carnival Almost 50 Years Later
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Williams, Geneviève. (2016). The Case for a Canadian Cabinet Manual
Supervisor : Bruce Hicks
Beqo, Livia.(2015). A Gendered Perspective of the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act.
Supervisor : Joanna Robinson
Carpenter, Elizabeth.(2015). Association between Non-communicable Diseases and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Drysdale, Colin.(2015). Renewable Energy Cooperatives: The Impact of Democratic, Community-owned Sustainable Energy in Ontario.
Supervisor : Eugene Lang
Faludi, Otto.(2015). Transnational Corporations, Human Rights, and the Transformation of International Law: Case Studies on Canadian Mining Companies in the International Legal Order.
Supervisor : Michael Barutciski
Lowenger, Allison. (2015). Canadian Judicial Diversity in an Indigenous Context: A Look through Overton’s Window at the Need for Aboriginal Presence on the Bench and Potential Methods to Address Urgent Structural Issues and Requisite Aboriginal Justice Reform.
Supervisor : Ian Martin
Turcotte, Alexandre.(2015). The Internet of Things through the Lens of Economics of Innovation – International Comparison of National Systems of Internet of Things.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Hamel, Roxanne. (2014). The Potential Contribution of Chinese-Canadians to Canada-China Relations.
Supervisor : Jean Michel Montsion
Elez Vanya. (2014). Policy Analysis of the Potential Impact Microcredit Expansion: A Case Study of Serbia.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Naon, Katiohora. (2014). La traite des enfants en Côte d’Ivoire: analyse des conditions socio-économiques et du cadre juridico-institutionnel.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Anderson, Jessica. (2013). Domestic Norm Diffusion and International Agents – The development of Kenya’s national IDP framework and the role of UNHCR and the Special Rapporteur on IDPs.
Supervisor : Michael Barutciski
Chan, Janet. (2013). Sustainable Urban Transportation: Case study of Taipei’s MRT system.
Supervisor : Michael Barutciski
Cowper-Smith, Yuriko. (2013). Aung San Suu Kyi: An Intersectional Analysis of Agency in the Media.
Supervisor : Jacinthe Michaud
Van Ymeren, Jamie Leigh.(2013). Moving “Beyond the Border’: risk, surveillance and technology at the Canada-US border.
Supervisor : Ellen Gutterman
Volkhammer, Jaclyn.(2013). Senate Reform: An Alternative Route to a More Effective Upper House.
Supervisor : Ian Roberge
Basta, Francesca. (2012). A Cultural Economics assessment of the Preah Vihear Temple World Heritage Site (Bangkok/Cambodia): How To Reduce the Trade-off between Development and Economic Well-Being.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Imtiaz, Farheen. (2012). MSG Consumption and Obesity: A Bibliometric Analysis.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Jankovic, Milos. (2012). Gambit Diplomacy: Province-Push Federalism.
Supervisor : Ian Roberge
Angeletti, Cory. (2011). Human Rights and the Environment: The Discursive Position of Human Rights in South Africa’s National Environment Management Act.
Supervisor : Stuart Schoenfeld
Collins, Michelle.(2011). A New Multilateralism in a Shifting Foreign Policy.
Supervisor : Alex Himelfarb
Jaotody, Marie-Anitha.(2011). Impact de l’information sur l’équilibre du marché du travail.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Pogosyan, Karina.(2011). Sex Trafficking to Sweden: Documenting the Changes 1999-2010.
Supervisor : Christina Clark-Kazak
Service, Alexandra.(2011). Rescuing Women: A Critical Analysis of the Role of Women in Conservative Government Discourses of the Afghanistan War, 2006-2010.
Supervisor : Christina Clark-Kazak
Abdel-Malek, Reem. (2010). Reforming the Canadian Refugee Determination System.
Supervisor : Christina Clark-Kazak
Balakhnina, Marianna. (2010). Options for Canadian Assistance to Bolivia’s Decentralization and Participative Development Process.
Supervisor : Viviana Patroni
Novak, Adrienne. (2010). Economic Clusters in Innovation Strategies of Estonia and Latvia.
Supervisor : Willem Maas
Richardson, Graham. (2010). Towards School Readiness: The Early Development Instrument as a program evaluation tool for the Ontario Full-Day Early Learning – Kindergarten program.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie
Troster, Nicole. (2010). Risk and the Olympics: The Case of the 2016 Games in Brazil.
Supervisor : Marie Lavoie