All student enrolled in the Master’s of Public and International Affairs (MPIA) programme are required to complete an internship (paid or unpaid) of at least 12 weeks with a federal or provincial government, non-governmental organization or international organization during the summer term (April to August) between the first and second years in the program. While the GSPIA will provide students with assistance, it is ultimately your responsibility to secure a placement.
The internship counts for 6 credits, is evaluated on a “satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis” and is a mandatory component of the MPIA programme (i.e. required for graduation). In addition to completing an internship, you will be required to submit a 1500-2000 word report on your internship experience by mid-August in order to receive credit. If your report is deemed to be unsatisfactory, you will be given two weeks to rewrite and resubmit the report. An evaluation completed by your internship supervisor will also play an essential role in the determination of whether your internship was satisfactory or not.
The internship will provide you with an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge you have acquired in your first year in a real-world public policy context, and deepen your understanding of the public policy process, policy development and/or policy advocacy. It is also an opportunity to begin to establish or grow your professional network.
There are countless organizations in Toronto, across Canada or around the world which would qualify for your MPIA internship. Past students have completed their internships at various ministries within the Federal Government of Canada in Ottawa and the Ontario Public Service, the United Nations, Canadian embassies around the world, not-for-profit and private organizations, and many others. The MPIA program staff will inform students enrolled in the 1st year about possible placements and organizations during the internship orientation in September.
Past placements
Below, is a list of organizations where our students have completed their internship placement in the past.
Provincial Internships
Association of Municipalities of Ontario
Council of Ontario Universities
Canadian Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA)
Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI)
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Ontario Council of agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI)
Ontario Securities Commission
Toronto Community Housing (TCH)
The Alliance for Healthy Food and Farming
Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)
Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA)
Ontario Public Service (OPS)
Care Canada
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
Canadian Coop Association
Ministère du Conseil exécutif, Gouvernement du Québec
Federal Internships
Bank of Canada
Canada School of Public Service
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Export Development Canada
Employment and Social Development Canada
Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada
Office of the Auditor General
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
The Senate of Canada
Global Affairs Canada
International Opportunities
Doctors Without Borders
Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration
ACDI/VOCA Service Learning Corps
Brussels- NATO Internship Programme
Indian Institute for Human Settlement
Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy
European Union to the Republic of Serbia
International Insitute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)
The Washington Center for Internships and Seminars
United Kingdom – Demos Think Tank
United Nations