The Public and International Affairs Student Association (PIASA) is a long-time initiative of the Master of Public and International Affairs (MPIA) students. PIASA contributes to the MPIA community and builds/maintains relationships among students, alumni, faculty, administration, and other student associations at Glendon College and York University. It serves as the voice for all MPIA students in different meetings and committees.
PIASA has an executive committee that is elected for one academic year from October to September. An Annual General Assembly is usually held every September. During elections, all Executive Committee positions are open for candidates.
These positions are briefly described as:
President: Chairs meetings and acts as spokesperson and representative for all members of PIASA in dealing with Glendon School of Public and International Affairs, York University and its affiliates.
Treasurer: Ensures that PIASA’s affairs are conducted in a fiscally responsible manner.
Secretary: Takes minutes during Executive and General Members’ Meetings and coordinates communications between the Executive Committee and the membership.
Internal Affairs Director: Promotes membership and participation, fosters the student community, and oversees sociocultural affairs.
External Affairs Director: Encourages networking and the creation of external opportunities, works to build and sustain the PIASA brand as well as the School’s.
You may contact PIASA at for information or event invitations addressed to students.