Annie Demirjian, the Glendon School of Public and International Affair’s Director (centre left), at the United Nations with some of her colleagues.
Taki Sarantakis, the Deputy Minister University Champion for York University, at our weekly colloquium. He delivered a fantastic presentation about Digital Governance.
Our students with Marie Deschamps after her presentation at our weekly colloquium.
Some of our new students in the Rose Garden at Glendon doing a campus tour after our Orientation Day!
Our students and some of Glendon/York’s staff after an inspiring lecture by philanthropist Dr. Michael Dan on multi-generational impacts of settlers on the nations of Turtle Island.
Our students with Jean Bédard, Chairperson at the Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Louise Fréchette, former United Nations Deputy Secretary-General discussed Canada and its place in the world with Glendon students and professors.
Jon Allen came to discuss the ramifications of Jamal Khashoggi’s death.