Thursday, October 13, 2016
The Referendum vote was held three months ago and the new Prime Minister, Theresa May, is preparing the government to trigger the Exit discussions with the EU. Given the uncharted waters under the Lisbon Treaty, Article 50, there is only speculation as to when the UK will pull the Brexit trigger and try to disentangle a large and sophisticated economy like Britain. Experts touched on the following topics:
- The administrative, legal and constitutional challenges for UK?
- The short/long term implications for the UK/EU relations?
- Implications for Canada, for CETA, and future bilateral trade agreements?
Click here to see the pictures!
Click here to listen to the debateSpeakers

Kevin McGurgan
British Consul General in Toronto and Director-General for UK Trade and Investment in Toronto
Miloud Chennoufi
Chair of the Department of Security and International Affairs, Canadian Forces College (Toronto) and
BMO Visiting Fellow, GSPIA