York University’s Glendon Campus stepping up to help address shortage of FSL teachers

Professor Muriel Péguret and Professor Dominique Scheffel-Dunand, both CRLCC members, have been awarded a substantial federal grant by Heritage Canada to develop a new knowledge mobilization hub at York University’s bilingual Glendon Campus  This hub will help meet the needs for FSL teachers at a time when they are in short supply. 
Muriel Péguret is associate professor in the Department of French Studies at Glendon, and Dominique Scheffel-Dunand is associate professor at the Faculty of LA&PS

To know more about the Camerise project click here:

Camerise: The Seed of Sustainable FSL Education

Glendon researcher Dr. Gabriel Levine celebrates the virtual launch of his timely new book Art and Tradition in a Time of Uprisings

Professor Gabriel Levine’snew book Art and Tradition in a Time of Uprisings (MIT Press, 2020) examines collective projects that reclaim and reinvent tradition in contemporary North America, both within and beyond the frames of art.
Professor Levine is assistant professor in the Drama and Creative Arts program at Glendon  and a member of CRLCC 

Le français à la mesure d’un continent:
un patrimoine en partage (2010-2017), both funded under the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s (SSHRC) Major Collaborative Research Initiatives.

Professor Raymond Mougeon | Co-Investigator on $2.5M Research Project to Study North American Francophones

Read more about the CRCCF prize here: