(Each workshop will be given twice during the fall and winter semesters.)


  • Assignment types at university
  • How to structure an idea
  • How to write a sentence
  • How to write a paragraph
  • How to structure an essay or a dissertation
  • The art of citation
  • Grammar: Some rules to remember
  • How to review

NOTE: These workshops are offered by the Writing Centre. 

Our customized workshops are designed to help students and alumni reflect on their professional journey thus far. They can address one or more of the following topics: communication skills, current and/or past experiences, and their degree.

Workshop Series: Get Ready for Change

  • How to Manage Your Time Wisely (NEW)
  • How to Communicate Professionally and Effectively 
  • How to Convert Your Experiences into Skills 
  • How to Optimize Your Degree

NOTE: These workshops are offered by the Career Development Centre. 

Our customized workshops are designed to help students and alumni enter the workforce. They can address one or more of the following topics: resumes, cover letters, interviews, and LinkedIn.

Workshop series: Get Ready for the Workforce

  • How to Find and Apply to Job Postings (NEW)
  • How to Write a Résumé
  • How to Write a Cover Letter
  • How to Ace an Interview
  • How to Create a LinkedIn Profile
  • How to Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage (NEW)

NOTE: These workshops are offered by the Career Development Centre.

NOTE: The Career Development Centre no longer offers in-class workshops. Instead, students are asked to attend our scheduled workshops and/or book an appointment for the specific career service in question. 

Kindly email if you have any further questions.