Research Interests or Specialties
Multilingual/bilingual/minority language education:
- Development of a Mi’kmaq cultural encyclopaedia
Minority language maintenance:
- The Mi’kmaq language in Eastern Canada
Language ecology:
- Relationship between language, landscape and worldviews
Language endangerment:
- Archiving endangered languages
Language planning:
- Endangered language planning a trilingual context
Acquisition of minority languages:
- Acquisition of Mi’kmaq
Research Projects
Prehistorical place names in the context of language contacts. This on-going project is based on the methodology of “paleolinguistics”. Its aim is to assess the length and magnitude of prehistoric language contacts between Eastern Algonquians and their predecessors on the territory. It also aims at assessing
the importance of prehistoric place names loss and replacement by European place names.
No publications yet, but several presentations, including at the Canadian Association for the Study of Naming (2-12), Dialog Symposium (Montreal 2013), Algonquian Conference (Ottawa 20130 and forthcoming panel organized by Commission de toponymie du Québec (Québec City, June 5th, 2014).