The Summer 2024 online application for Continuing Students is open as of April 10, 2024. Processing can take between four to six weeks from the date you submit your summer OSAP application.

Below is OSAP information specific to the summer session. For general information that applies to all study sessions, please review the eight steps listed in the Financial Aid drop-down menu.

Application Deadlines

Session Length Deadline to Submit Application and Supporting Documents
12 weeks or more 40 days before the study period end-date is the application deadline for students who applied for and received full-time OSAP funding in the Fall/Winter 2022-2023 session (Example: July 6, 2024 is the deadline to apply for a study period ending on August 15, 2024)

60 days before the study period end-date is the application deadline for students who did not receive full-time OSAP funding in the Fall/Winter 2023-2024 session (Example: June 16, 2024 is the deadline to apply for a study period ending on August 15, 2024)

11 weeks or less 21 days (three weeks) before the first day of your summer classes

Applications and all supporting documents must be received by these deadlines in order to receive funding.

How To Apply

  1. You must know whether you are considered a full-time student or a part-time student for the summer session. This determines which OSAP application you should submit. For undergraduate students, this is determined by your course load, which relates to the number of credits you are taking in the summer session and to your permanent disability status. For graduate students, this is determined by your activity level for the summer session. Contact your program office if you are not sure about your activity level.
  2. Undergraduate students must enrol in their summer session courses before submitting an OSAP aid application for the summer session. Graduate students can submit an OSAP aid application for the summer session once the application is open, even if they have not yet registered for summer session courses.

Complete and submit the appropriate application:

Undergraduate Students without a Permanent Disability

Session Length Session Course Load Did You Apply for Full-Time OSAP in the Fall/Winter 2023-2024 Session? Application To Submit
12 weeks or more Full-time (taking at least 9 credits) Yes York summer OSAP application
No OSAP for Full-Time Students application
Part-time (taking less than 9 credits) Either yes or no OSAP for Part-Time Students application
11 weeks or less Full-time (taking at least 4.5 credits) Yes York Summer OSAP application
No You are ineligible to apply for Summer OSAP aid
Part-time (taking less than 4.5 credits) Either yes or no OSAP for Part-Time Students application

Undergraduate Students with a Permanent Disability

Session Length Course Load Did You Apply for Full-Time OSAP in the Fall/Winter 2023-2024 Session? Application to Submit
12 weeks or more Full-time (taking at least 6 credits) Yes York summer OSAP application
No OSAP for Full-Time Students application
Part-time (taking less than 6 credits) Either yes or no OSAP for Part-Time Students application
11 weeks or less Full-time (taking at least 3 credits) Yes York summer OSAP application
No You are ineligible to apply for Summer OSAP aid
Part-time course load (taking less than 3 credits) Either yes or no OSAP for Part-Time Students application

Graduate Students without a Disability

Session Activity Level Did You Apply for Full-Time OSAP in the Fall/Winter 2023-2024 Session? Application To Submit
Full-time Yes York summer OSAP application
No OSAP for Full-Time Students application
Part-time Either yes or no OSAP for Part-Time Students application

Graduate Students with a Disability

Session Activity Level Did You Apply for Full-Time OSAP in the Fall/Winter 2023-2024 Session? Application To Submit
Full-time Yes York summer OSAP application
No OSAP for Full-Time Students application
Part-time Yes OSAP for Part-Time Students application
No OSAP for Part-Time Students application or OSAP for Full-Time Students application


If you are applying on the government website, please follow the instructions provided to you on that site for electronically uploading your supplementary documents. If you are not able to upload those documents, please send them to:

When applying for OSAP aid you provide personal and financial information that is used to determine your eligibility and funding entitlement.

If this information changes during the academic session for which you received OSAP assistance, you are responsible to notify the University so that we can update the information on your OSAP record. These changes may increase, decrease or not affect your funding entitlement.

Complete the appropriate form below: you must sign and date all forms and any supporting documentation. Drop off the form and any supporting documentation to Glendon Student Financial Services, York Hall C138, Glendon Campus.

Do not submit duplicate forms. This will cause processing delays.

Use the Financial Document Tracker to monitor the receipt of your forms.

It can take 8 to 10 weeks to process your change request. If the change(s) impact(s) your entitlement, then you will be notified by the government. You can also check your status on the government OSAP website to see if the change has been completed.

Income Changes

When you applied for OSAP you were asked to report income from several sources and you need to report changes to any of those sources.

Change Action
If your own income has changed: complete an Income Change Request Form for fall/winter or summer
If your parents’ income has changed: complete a Request for Assessment on
Parent’s Estimated Income
If your spouse’s income has changed: complete a Request for Assessment on
Spouse’s Estimated Income

Change of Postal Address

If your postal address changes, then you should:

Other Changes

Change Action
For any other changes, including cancellation of your OSAP application: complete a Change Request
If you wish to review other OSAP forms for changes, updates and appeals that are available: Visit our OSAP Forms webpage

Application Processing Times

  • Processing usually takes four to six weeks from the date you submit your summer OSAP application. Documents are reviewed and assessed in the order they are received.
  • Processing can take longer if your application has incorrect/incomplete details or supporting documents. Therefore, it is very important that you submit a complete and accurate application.
  • If you check your status on the OSAP website six weeks after applying and still see no indication of a summer assessment, please check with the Glendon Student Financial Services office to see if there are problems with your application.
  • Because the summer session is short, your time to access summer OSAP funding is very limited. The government will not issue any OSAP funds within the last 10 days of your summer study period end date.

Release of OSAP Funds

In the summer session, OSAP aid is released in a single instalment. It should be available within 5 to 10 business days of the first day of your summer classes, provided you: followed the application deadlines; submitted a complete and accurate application; and are still registered in the courses specified on your OSAP application.

Once your study period begins, the government will ask York University’s Student Financial Services to confirm your current registration status. After your status is confirmed, the government will authorize the release of your summer OSAP funds.

Part or all of your funding instalments will be applied directly to the outstanding balance of your student account. The amount and date of the direct payment(s) made to York will be available on the government OSAP website. Any remaining balance will be sent to you by cheque or by direct deposit.

If you are taking SU term courses, the confirmation of your registration to the government will take place around the first day of the summer session in May. If you are taking shorter summer courses beginning in June or July, then your registration status will not be confirmed (and your OSAP funds cannot be released) until those courses begin.